I am who I am, not who you think I am

I have been thinking about this a lot the last few weeks. I have had some difficult conversations and experiences that reminded me of this. I am who I am. That’s it. I am not who you say or think I am. I am not your perception nor do I need to correct your perception of me. That’s not my role. My role is to be me. Wholeheartedly me. Without any filters or worries what others think of me. Without hiding parts of my personality or my thoughts. By the way, it is your job too. We need to be so focused on who we know we are without watering that down to be liked, to fit in to a box or to please others (trust me, I have tried to do all these things). Those that are pulled to us, whether that be romantic relationships, friends or clients will come to us. Those that don’t need us won’t. Perhaps if they are already in your life, they will fall away. That means you are not for them at this time. But please know that doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you or that you need to change. If people move away from you, it has nothing to do with you. It’s not about you. If you make people uncomfortable it usually has nothing to do with you.


I have also learnt when I need to take time out to really listen to my own intuition and my needs. This has meant an almost 2 week break from social media. It has meant lots of walks alone, with no music and podcasts, being still. It has meant really figuring out what my social media boundaries will be every day instead of regretting the time I spend scrolling.


I have also learnt compassion. For myself and for others. We can truly be compassionate for where others are at, while continuing to be who we are and shining our light. We can wish them well and send them love rather than trying to fight with them and argue our point or trying to talk them around to our point of view. We can honour that what they are saying, even if we feel it is hurtful or inaccurate, it is true for them. I realise now I don’t need to prove or justify anything to anyone. At the same time, I don’t need to change anything either. I need to keep following my inner guidance and showing up in a way that feels good to me. If you needed a reminder of this too, here it is. Always be you xxx


Understanding my teenager through Human Design…


Creating and maintaining boundaries