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Who is Rose Warrior?

She is soft and feminine, opening one petal at a time and she is strong. She has been through destruction and healing. She is playful and insightful. She is the depths of healing and love. She is light and dark. She represents me. She represents you. We all have ways of being that are opposed to each other. Rose Warrior brings them all together as one. She is my greatest gift to the world. I feel deeply honoured and grateful that she has come into existence through me so I can share that gift with you.

The Rose Warrior story

I have dreamt of many years of being a coach and guide. The desire was there from my early 20’s. But I always made an excuse why I couldn’t jump into this work. That I was too young, too inexperienced, didn’t know enough. I spent many years gaining experience and multiple qualifications. Working in the corporate world to be the very best. From a communications degree, to life coaching qualifications, to nutrition coaching and run coaching qualifications.

Then I discovered the spiritual world. Slowly and tenderly, I dived into the work of healers and spiritual leaders I admired. I visited healers and became qualified as a reiki master, despite my resistance to this world. I discovered crystals, essential oils and deep trauma healing work. I started learning about conscious relationships and conscious parenting and Human Design. I navigated the hardest year of my life building myself and my relationship from the ground up. I began to discover who I really was at the age of 42.

Who I am now is a culmination of all these experiences.

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What is the Rose Warrior soul coaching program?

Rose Warrior is a 1:1 coaching program that will move you through the following pillars:

  • Healing trauma

  • The power of trust and surrender

  • Tools that support your healing

  • Learning and embodying the divine masculine and feminine

  • Integration, embodiment and accountability

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Investment $999 in full or $333 per month for 3 months ($999)

What you receive:

  • 3 x 60 - 90 minute sessions

  • Human Design reading

  • One 30 minute reiki session

  • Welcome gift

  • Support via Whatsapp Tuesday – Friday


I sought out DIALA as I was feeling lost in all areas of my life. My relationship was on the verge of ending, I was unsure on what career path to follow, I didn’t have a fond relationship with my oldest daughter after a relationship breakup and I was struggling internally on who I was. I had been a mother from a very young age and it was all I knew. I was trying to find myself and figure out who TANIA was. Diala took me on a journey. She gave me tasks weekly to help me in all of the areas that I felt I was struggling, she provided me with many tools allowing me to not only set goals for myself but also ask myself deep hard questions and figure out who I was, where I wanted to be and boy did she hold me accountable LOL.

I have always struggled with finishing tasks and starting multiple projects getting close to the end but not really completing. During the program, she provided me with a Human Design reading and distance reiki. It was truly amazing. I realised that the things i thought were my weaknesses were actually my strengths. Within days I started ticking off tasks, hit goals and after the amazing time she coached me I landed myself in a career that I am truly passionate about, have a loving relationship with my daughter and I just came back from a life changing trip with my partner. I can’t thank Diala enough for all the guidance and all the pushing I needed to truly remember my worth and helping me discover myself.