My first healing circle
A few weeks ago a dear friend of mine and one of my spiritual mentors ran a healing circle at my home. It was the first I have attended and incredibly powerful. My gorgeous friend had suggested a healing circle to create a space where I could receive healing, especially for my knee recovery. It was incredibly powerful not just for me, but for the other women who attended. I am lucky enough to have some close friends who are reiki practitioners. With 6 of us in this circle, I feel like it added another powerful element. One of the beautiful benefits of a healing circle was bringing together some of my favourite women and support team. Most did not know each other well. After an hour in circle, which included a cacao ceremony, a meditation for everyone, a specific meditation to send healing to me and sharing how we felt an incredible bond was created. I was so impacted by the incredible power of the collective group and so grateful for what we had created together. As I stood in my kitchen taking it all in, a group of women working together put an amazing spread on the table (all had brought delicious goodies to share). We sat down and had the most vulnerable, open and honest conversations. The women were really brave in sharing their stories with each other.
We had created a beautiful and safe space to share and support each other. We talked about how incredible this felt for all of us. We reflected on how much we all needed it. And most importantly how we can bring this more into our own lives and the lives of others. This sacred time brought about some really powerful healing for me and others. Both physical and emotional. This work makes a difference. It is not just woo woo and dancing around a circle chanting (we did chant!). I was reminded (again) by my spiritual guides during the meditations (and my friends afterwards) that I already have the answer to my healing. That it is not linear. That I am progressing. That I am doing everything I can to heal. But also that it’s not up to me. I was reminded of the link between our thoughts and how we feel physically. I know that when I am stressed and feeling stuck with my knee, it physically shows up. My knee is swollen, I start limping and telling myself I am not good enough and I am not where I should be. When I don’t try to control what happens it is so easy.
After the circle, my mentor asked me to walk, encouraged by the others in the circle. She asked me to trust myself and my knee. She reminded me that this was the answer and had always been. During the circle, I felt physical hands holding me, as well as energy from those who were not next to me. At one point I felt the energy was so strong that I was levitating. One of the women saw a vision of all of them inside my knee, cleaning it out. How cool is that! I felt like it was a spring clean, giving me a fresh start.
A week later, a visit to the surgeon confirmed I was healing well and as expected. That my expectations of myself and where I should be were not right. That I am where I am and I am progressing well. I asked if that was really it. Yes it is. We often complicate healing with our own expectations and timelines. We forget to just let things be as they are.
The more we can bring these tools into conversations and talk about what we do with our family and friends the more we can normalise this powerful and potent work. My biggest lessons from the night are lessons I am constantly reminded of. We have everything we need inside of ourselves already. We just need to tap into our own power. The other lesson that I have been learning the last few months is to ask for and receive support from those around us. It is incredibly healing and nourishing. How can you receive help today?