Doing what I love for joy


I have loved writing for a really long time. I studied Communications at University and then worked for 18 years in the Corporate world writing. I have kept diaries, journaled on and off and written blogs in the past. Last year I took a course to write an ebook (it took me a little bit longer!) and birthed my first book baby Hope for Healing. Read all about my ebook here. This process reminded me how much I love writing on many topics. How I used to love blogging because it enabled me to share an event, my opinion, how I was feeling. It enabled me to be me, without any filters or worrying about who was reading and why. My first blog was all about training for my first ultra marathon in 2014 and running the 45km event in just over 5 hours. It was about juggling a toddler, working and the gruelling training schedule. Reading over some of these blogs recently reminded me that I always shared openly and honestly. The highs and the lows. Exactly how I was feeling when I wrote. No filters.

This will be very much the same. My journey has evolved since that time. I spent many hours training and running another 3 marathons and multiple long distance events pondering the meaning of life, relationships and beginning my spiritual journey. There is something that I love about being outside, listening to nature, early in the morning when most people are in bed that was my meditation time. Fast forward to this year, many hours of running and a knee reconstruction and I am looking for a new sport! But I am forever grateful about what those years of running taught me about myself, my body, my emotions and how to be free.

I bring a few more years of wisdom, of discovering new things, of running my own business, having another child and embarking on a year of healing. I have discovered many things along the way but I promise you the following.

I will write for myself first and foremost. As I did with my first blog and my book. I will write to journal my feelings, to explore them, to figure out how I feel. I will write with the hope that there are things I write that you will identify with. That you will read at the right point in your journey. That there is something you will take from the stories and musings I will share with you.

I will write about healing from trauma and my own personal experience. I will write about conscious relationships and how I have navigated this with my husband. I will tell you about reiki and energy healing. I will share my love of crystals and oracle cards. I will talk to you about Human Design and how it has changed my life and allowed me to get to know myself and those I love much more deeply. I will talk to you about parenting two boys. I will talk to you about moon cycles and menstrual cycles. I will talk to you about my 18 years in the Corporate world and how I transitioned to being an entrepreneur and running several different businesses.

I will write more and more here, in a greater depth than I can on social media. I will share what I am learning and feeling and loving. I will write all the contradictions I feel. I will hold space for myself and for you. I am so happy and humbled you have joined me.​


A chat on not enoughness